Overclockers UK



Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions are issued by epic gaming Ltd. (Company Registration No: 7096533) , hereby referred to as "us", "we" or "our", for users of the website ("the site") and epic gaming Ltd. services including physical LAN gaming events ("LANs" or "epic.LAN"). These conditions may be updated at any time without notice. Additional terms for specific aspects of our products and service will be provided as required.


Use of the site in its entirety is at your own risk. By using the site or by creating a site account, you agree to that we are not responsible for any damage or loss as a result of your access to the site. You may not make any attempt to gain unauthorised access to protected areas of the site or to damage any areas of the site including its performance. Anyone found to be taking damaging actions towards the site will be reported to the relevant law enforcement authorities. By using the site you agree to hold us harmless from any claim arising from your activities on the site.

Access to the site is given to the named account holder only, you may not allow any other person to access your account on your behalf. On registration you are required to ensure that all information provided is accurate. Your account is not transferrable to any other user. You are responsible for any damage caused by misuse of your account by yourself or any other person who has been given access. By creating an account on the site, you consent to certain information about you being made public to other users in community areas of the site, such information may include your username, date of birth, registration date, gaming clan and other information that you will be informed about on joining.

We reserve the right to terminate your access to the site for any reason with or without prior notice. Similarly we reserve the right to terminate any aspect of the site or service as required.

The site may contain links to external websites and resources, we take no responsibly for the content of these external resources and following these links is done so at your own risk.

All content on the site is copyright of epic gaming Ltd. and may not be reproduced without permission.

The site has aspects which are community lead and therefore opinions published belong to the original posters, not necessarily to epic gaming Ltd. We accept no responsibility for errors, omissions or inaccuracies on the site.

Community areas of the site may be moderated by our staff, we reserve the right to remove content that may fall into the below categories:

You are also advised to view our Privacy Policy and LAN terms and conditions.