Overclockers UK




EPIC38 Mario Kart Switch

Mario Kart Logo

Get your wheels spinning, ready to revisit some classic courses in our Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Switch) Fun Tournament at EPIC38.  It's been a while since we've watched people lose their minds at a blue-shell cavalcade, scream in horror as a player embodies Wario, and also raise to success in the classic kart racer.  Oh, and we're also going to see if the winner can beat a handfl of staffers in a race off at the end...

MSIMSI are leading the way in chucking blue shells left right and centre to be the sponsor of Mario Kart at EPIC38.  There's a prize that'll make you absolutely ROAR to be in the lead as well...

Signups close: Thursday 9pm
Gathering: TBC
Qualifying: From Thursday 9pm, through to completing the brackets ready for...
Final:  Stage Final at 6pm on Friday

Please note that if you are participating in an esports tournament you cannot take part in a fun tournament. If you have been eliminated, you may be able to join in - please check with reech or a member of the esports admin team before you sign up!