Overclockers UK




Game GUIDs


Active Tournaments

Tournament Team Name Role
There are no active tournaments for this user

Completed Tournaments

Tournament Team Name Role
EPIC42 Overwatch 2 United Kingdom Zynyata Leader
EPIC42 Pub Quiz United Kingdom Esports Scotland Survivors' Group Player
Epic43 Rocket League United Kingdom MrKreme Player
EPIC43 Overwatch 2 United Kingdom Veloverwatch Leader
EPIC43 Pub Quiz United Kingdom How do we beat this? Player
Intel Unlocked - The Ultra Escape in Partnership with ASUS ROG | Saturday 16:45 - 19:45 United Kingdom Ragtag crew Player
EPIC43 Beer Pong United Kingdom Lepong James Leader
EPIC44 Pub Quiz United Kingdom Who Let Them In? Leader
EPIC44 Beer Pong United Kingdom Can't get it in Leader