Local Teamspeak IP
EPIC41 sees the return of the EPIC.LAN Counter-Strike plugin. This version is built from scratch to work on Counter-Strike 2, but has very familiar commands. This iteration currently does not have any custom menus, and solely uses in-game chat to call functions, vote and more. We're aiming to have tournament platform integration before LAN, if we do, we'll update this page to reflect that. Currently, the plugin is a standalone tool, and teams still need to manually input score results. If you want to know how to do that and more about navigating the platform. check out our Guide to Tournaments.
Vetoes are still done via the regular chat window as always. Once you have completed your veto, you can then utilise the commands to change to the map required. Whilst using the plugin, if a vote of any kind is started, another cannot be started until the active vote is finished (by either a successful yes vote, a successful no vote, or after the vote times out after 30 seconds)
Plugin Commands
!teamname <team>
1 Player from each team is required to set their team name at the start of a match (during warmup / server start). You cannot progress without doing so, your teamname should reflect the one of your EPIC.LAN teamname on the website.
!map <de_mapname> Vote Required [!yes or !no]
Changes the map to the inputted selection, initiates a vote where all players on the server are required to input either !yes or !no to agree on the map change. |
!knife Vote Required [!yes or !no]
Initiates a vote for a knife round, where all players on the server are required to input either !yes or !no to agree to start a knife round. Knife rounds have the following logic: Full CT elimination = T wins. Full T elimination = CT wins Team with more players wins on round end Teams have the same players, but team with higher total HP value wins on round end Teams have the same player count and HP total = 50/50 result on round end Note: If a round ends on time, the game will always report a CT win on the HUD, however the plugin will output the "correct" winner in chat, and give them voting choice based on the above logic. |
!stay or !swap
Winning team from a knife round if played gets the choice to stay or switch starting side. Does not require a full team vote |
!swapteams Vote Required [!yes or !no]
If no knife round is needed but a side swap is required, anyone can initiate a team swap vote, where all players on the server are required to input either !yes or !no to agree |
!r or !ready Vote Required [!yes or !no]
Initiates a vote for teams to ready up and begin the match, where all players on the server are required to input either !yes or !no to agree. Note: If a knife round has been played, the plugin considers that successful knife vote a "ready" for all players, so on conclusion of the knife round and successful !stay or !swap, the game will begin, without the need to ready up a 2nd time. |
Initiates a tactical pause during the next available freeze time, which uses the in-game tracking and server config for tactical pauses. Players cannot call another !tac or a !tech vote until the completion of a previous pause. |
!tech or !tec
Initiates an indefinite technical pause during the next available freeze time. Your allowance for technical pauses will be noted in tournament specific rules. Note: A technical pause is required to be active to use the !restorelast command.
!unpause Response required [!unpause]
Initiates a vote to end an indefinite technical pause. where one player on the opposing team is required to input either !unpause to agree. |
!restorelast Vote Required [!yes or !no]
Initiates a vote to restore the previous round if needed due to a technical issue, where all players on the server are required to input either !yes or !no to agree. Note: A technical pause is required to be active to use the !restorelast command. |
Lists all available commands. |