Overclockers UK




League Operations Management

  • League Operations Manager - Tom "Gumpster" Gumbleton
  • League Operations Team Leader -  Lisa "Skurli" MacLean

League Operations Admins

  • SkyCloudzy
  • Respects
  • VanillaMetric

For all rules which apply to every single epic.LAN Tournament, please read the appropriate place (General Rules).


Signups will close on Thursday 8th October at 23:00 BST.

Games will start on Friday 9th October at 15:00 BST.



Teams must be made up of a majority of players currently living in Europe (3 of 5). The hosting team must play on UK servers at all times unless otherwise agreed between the two teams and to the knowledge of the tournament admins.

If a team consists of 3 or more players outwith the list as detailed below then that team will be disqualified.

List of Eligible Countries

Åland - Albania - Andorra - Armenia - Austria - Australia - Azerbaijan - Belarus - Belgium - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bulgaria - Croatia - Cyprus - Czechia - Denmark - Estonia - Faroe Islands - Finland - France - Georgia - Germany - Gibraltar - Greece - Guernsey - Hungary - Iceland - Ireland - Isle of Man - Italy - Israel - Jersey - Kazakhstan - Kosovo - Latvia - Liechtenstein - Luxembourg - North Macedonia - Malta - Monaco - Montenegro - Netherlands - Norway - Poland - Portugal - Republic of Lithuania - Republic of Moldova - Romania - Russia - San Marino - Serbia - Slovakia - Slovenia - Spain - Svalbard and Jan Mayen - Sweden - Switzerland - Turkey - Ukraine - United Kingdom - Vatican City - Yugoslavia

Tournament Format

Tournament Format(s) for all various scenarios can be found on our dedicated Tournament format page here. This is based on various community outreach projects we have conducted throughout the year.


Easy Anticheat is required for this tournament. You must install and run the Easy AC client before joining the game.

You are responsible for ensuring that the Anticheat works with your PC and game client before the tournament takes place. epic.LAN staff will not be able to provide direct support for Easy Anticheat as it is not our software.


The following maps may be selected for play during the tournament by our system:

  • de_vertigo
  • de_inferno
  • de_nuke
  • de_mirage
  • de_train
  • de_overpass
  • de_dust2

This Maplist follows Valve’s official maplist and is correct at the time of writing (May 2019). Any changes to the maplist and is within a 4 week period prior to LAN will NOT be applied to the LAN, this is to help aide teams in their practice schedules ahead of LAN.

Any major active map updates or layout changes will be reviewed within the same time frame under admin discretion. Decisions to use or revert changes on maps will be made prior to an event starting.

Match Format

  • Freeze Time - 15 seconds
  • Round Time - One minute and 55 seconds
  • Max Rounds - 15
  • Start Money - $800
  • Side Selection - Team B in veto process picks sides
  • The team with the most alive players at the end of the round picks their side
  • In case of a draw, a team will be randomly selected to pick their side
  • Overtime Max Rounds - 3
  • Overtime Start Money - $16,000
  • Overtime Side Selection - in overtime, teams first play the side they last played in regulation
  • Draws are permitted during Group Stage, however not during the Elimination Bracket (or Best-Of-Three).
  • Use of RCON
  • It is expressly forbidden to use RCON in any way which may disrupt or lag an opponent's connection or interfere with the game in general. Any teams using RCON unless it is for match starting purposes will lose the match in question.

The Veto Process

Please note, if seedings are not used, then “Higher Seed” should be replaced with “Home Team” (ie the left hand team on the match page). The Higher Seed team gets to chose who vetos first in this.


  • High Seed eliminates Mirage
  • Low Seed eliminates Inferno
  • High Seed eliminates vertigo
  • Low Seed eliminates inferno
  • High Seed eliminates overpass
  • Low Seed eliminates cobblestone
  • Leaving train as the deciding map


  • High Seed eliminates Mirage
  • Low Seed eliminates nuke
  • High Seed picks cobblestone
  • Low Seed picks inferno
  • High Seed eliminates vertigo
  • Low Seed eliminates Overpass
  • Leaving train as the final map to play


Teams are allowed up to four 30 second tactical pauses per map.

In the event of technical errors, teams may pause no more than 4 times, or up to a combined limit of 10 minutes. After the maximum permitted pause time, if the technical issue cannot be resolved, play shall resume to prevent delays to the tournament. The admins decision on any matters concerning a technical issue is final.

Substitute players may only be used if they have previously signed up to the tournament and therefore are listed as a member of the team.

Pauses will be started at the end of the round during which the player dropped. When the player has reconnected and rejoined the team, the game will be un-paused and the match may continue.

Please note that pauses should be done through the epic.LAN Server Plugin (command !epic to select which type of pause - tec or tac).

Tournament Server Plugin

epic.LAN Events are running with our very own designed tournament server plugin. This is to avoid any complications around RCON commands, and gives teams access to demo’s immediately after the tournament has concluded. The plugin will be consistently updated between events and will continue to improve throughout the years.

However, if we feel during the event that the plugin is causing too many issues we reserve the right to go back to RCON use at an Admin's discretion.

You can view more information on the plugin by following this link: http://tournaments.epiclan.co.uk/tournaments/csgo/plugin

Cheating & Game Bugs

All forms of cheating at epic.LAN events are forbidden and will see some form of punishment dished out (to see further examples please read the general rules of our esports tournaments above).

In some circumstances, evidence will be submitted to us from third parties or other event organisers and we will review such evidence. If we find the evidence to be serious enough, we will take further action on the players in question.

We do not take kindly to players who try and cheat in order to win, and implore players to respect the competitive integrity of the esports ecosystem.

Here are some of the other examples of ways to gain advantages, this list may not be the full list but if players are unsure of certain things, they should seek to ask the tournament admins first.

  • Flash Bang, Smoke Grenade, and Hand Grenade Bugs - it is illegal to use any flash bang, smoke grenade, or hand grenade bugs, regardless of intent.
  • Silent Bomb Plants - ALL bomb plants must be done in a position where your opponents can hear you.
  • There should be no rotation in players to gain money advantages throughout a match.
  • The bomb must be planted on solid surfaces on the map, ie where an opponent can defuse from, so not up in the air or floating.
  • Illegal Bomb Defuses - No player can defuse a bomb through any other solid object on the map, it has to be done in clear view. It is also forbidden to try to intentionally distort your hitboxes during a defuse situation to prevent an opponent from killing you in game.
  • Walking/Boosting through walls - No player should walk, boost through walls or roofs. To do so will see your team penalized for that round.
  • Map Exploits - Boosts that include the use of clipping are strictly forbidden. The term “Clipping” defines that when a player is boosted can see through certain parts of the map (ie over/under walls, or through solid objects on the map).

If any player or team feels unsure on a new advantage they have found through their practice sessions, they are welcome to show this specific spot to the tournament team to review. Any player or team that does this will be treated to the strictest confidence as not to jeopardize your strategic advantage, however we can rule on whether it is a legal move. We strongly advise teams to give us plenty of time ahead of an event so we can review it in good time and make good judgement on it.

The game admins may inspect your machine at any time throughout the event to inspect for cheats or hacks within your game files, steam cloud and anywhere on your PC or memory sticks.

From epic26 onwards, there will be a new mandatory requirement from all players in all teams competing at epic.LAN events. We will require all players to record POV demos. This is to create a level playing field when it comes to cheating accusations and thus maintain the competitive integrity of epic.LAN. To upload any clips that you wish to submit to the admin team then please use the following recording software. OBS Recorder or Plays.TV.

Player/Agent Skins

Agent skins are banned from use for the duration of the tournament. It is advised any agent skins are unequipped prior to beginning the tournament. If you fail to do so, the opposing team can request you remove the skin at the cost of a pause or disconnect.

Bringing up this offense after a match has concluded will not result in a penalty. Players are expected to raise the issue live to the offending team or an admin.


Coaching will be enabled on all epic.LAN official servers. Teams may have 1 coach in the spectator mode that is enabled for coaches. Please note, that coaches are treated as "spectators" for this event, and will not be able to play for the team (if the coach needs to sub in) unless said person has a ticket for the tournament and is registered to the roster for the event.

If you have any questions regarding coaches within the game, then please see the admins.

Servers & Scheduling

All players must be ready in the server at least 5 minutes prior to the scheduled start time unless a match is already in play on your server (in which case, speak to a game admin for further instructions). Any team that is not ready by 15 minutes after the scheduled start time will lose a map in a Best of 3 Scenario, or a round in a Best of 1 scenario. This is to enforce that teams play within the schedule the admins set.

If a team does not have at least 4 players in the server 15 minutes after the scheduled match start, they will forfeit and the opposing team will be awarded the win for that match. If only 4 players are present in the server, the match will begin after 15 minutes.

Continued delays will result in the whole match being forfeited and both teams being disqualified from the tournament (which may result in loss of attained prize money).

Acceptable reasons for missing the scheduled start of a match are:

  • Network failure
  • Server failure
  • Power failure

The allocation of teams will be decided via a knife round.

Server Crashes

In the event of server failures, please contact a game admin who will advise further.

These rules are subject to change due to any game related updates that cause issues to occur in a different way. The game admin and tournament team leader decisions are always final.

Last Update - 28 September 2020